Tuesday 9 November 2004

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Awake 5:10 am Temp downtown 26 Cloudy 7 hrs 45 min of daylight

Strong gusts of wind awakened me in the middle of the night...had to close
our bedroom windows. Kathy & I always sleep with our bedroom windows
slightly open to get that fresh mountain air.

Alaska Club exercise...upstairs @ 7:50 am ...finish @ 11:10. Afterward,
pick up the landscaping estimate from Garness Engineering. Home @ 1:35.

Call Kalb Equipment in Memphis, TN regarding a part for our Kubota
snowblower(electric chute control). Their price is too high.

Call Hartley Motors in Palmer, AK. Talk to Brook about having my chute
control unit rebuilt. He will get back to me next week.

Call Hartford Insurance....arrange 48 hr waver on the Volvo Insurance for
driving that car either tomorrow or Thursday.

Call Rent-A-Wreck...let them know I will be bringing the Volvo over
Thursday pending weather.

6:30 Dinner: Leftover creamy pork tenderline & pepper steak with veggies.

Using tire pump, bring both front tires up to 30 psi on Volvo...plus clean
out the trunk of misc stuff....then load up the trunk with 4 summer tires
& charge the Volvo battery.
Lights out: 11:12 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 5, 2004 8:48 PM.

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