Monday 8 November 2004

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Awake 6:30 am Temp downtown 28 Light snow 2.5 inches overnight
7 hrs 50 min of daylight

Alaska Club exercise...upstairs @ 7:57...finish @ 11:15. While Kathy rides
with Ann & Jackie to visit their favorite thrift store, I stay @ the club
& yak with Ben & Kenny. Then visit Garness Engineering & talk with Kelly
for a landscaping estimate. He will have it tomorrow. Back to pick up
Kathy & home @ 1:30.

After a quick bowl of homemade soup, I snowblow the driveway while Kathy
shovels the sidewalk & both porches.

Grease the Kubota tractor & oil hinges on our upper garage door.

7:00 pm Dinner: Pecan crusted salmon, asparagus pieces with almonds, snap
peas, and almond bread.

Evening time: Watch library movie "The Emperor's Club." Interesting! We
intended to watch only 1/2 but Kathy was very much awake tonight, and it
was quite good.
Lights out: 11:24 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 4, 2004 11:22 AM.

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