Tuesday 26 October 2004

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Awake 7:00 am Temp 33 Light rain 9hrs 1 min of daylight

Kathy & I are Alaska Club members again. So we drive down to the club(7
min) & for starters, do a very light workout. Some of my ole buddies are
there: Kenny Smith, Olin Mizelle, Jerry Zentmire, & Jim Hart. It felt good
to exercise more than just my legs for a change....and it was comforting
to get back to kibitzing with my pals again.

Afterward, Kathy & her friend Mary Jane go out to lunch while I buy a
fluorescent bulb @ Home Depot as a replacement for one failing in our
kitchen. Back home @ 1:20.

Harry calls from the North Slope of Alaska. He is happy to hear that I
will attend the next Basher Road board meeting. I had sent him an e-mail a
few days ago & volunteered to join them at their next meeting if they
would like that.

6:45 Dinner: Atlantic Salmon, fruit salad, peas, peppers & toast.

Watch PBS special on Donald Rumsfelt & how he entered politics & the white
house. Extremely interesting.

Later we finish watching the other half of: "The hours." Not my kind of
movie! Lights out: 11:32 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 1, 2004 8:58 PM.

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