Monday 25 October 2004

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Awake 7:08 am Temp downtown 26 Clear sky 9 hrs 6 min of daylight

A casual morning for us. Early afternoon, Melissa & Matthew honor us with
their presence. Matthew literally entertained us the entire time with his
curiosity of opening & closing doors on the living room end table....&
crawling around full speed ahead to stand up & check something else out.
Very alert young man.

John returns my call I had made earlier. He reluctantly agrees to activate
our Alaska Club membership again....leaving it up to us to give 30 days
notice to cancel. John says: "This is the last time he can do this!" I
believe he has said this before. Anyway, I am pleased he granted us this

6:40 Dinner: Scalloped chicken casserole & fresh salad with lettuce & tomato.

Late evening: We begin watching DVD library movie "The hours." Watch only
1/2 tonight. Lights out: 11:00 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 1, 2004 8:49 PM.

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