Thursday 11 November 2004

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Awake 5:24 am Temp downtown 38 Cloudy 7 hrs 34 min of daylight

Alaska Club exercise....upstairs @ 7:40...finish @ 11:10 am.
I call the phone company to report our phone problem. The lady apparently
knows that our neighborhood is having a problem & they have their crew
working on it. "Should be fixed soon" she says.

Kathy & I go shopping @ Costco...then Carrs on Debarr & Boniface, then to
the library to drop off some video's & DVD's. Back home @ 2:35. Both phone
lines are working normal again.

I should mention this: Several weeks ago the Alaska Club gang was
discussing the "Cruise deal that got away!" A 62 day cruise from Seattle
to San Diego. Our friends, Ben & Jackie, would have signed up & when I
heard of the deal, I liked it immediately & said I would have talked Kathy
into a cruise like that one too., the word came out that the cruise line had a few
cancellations & now there are some group openings @ 1/2 price. So during
our shopping @ Costco, I called Mary in Seattle, asked her to mail us a
cruise pack & for now, add our names to the stand-by group list.

My cousin Florentz calls from PA. He has recovered from his basement step
fall & is now back to work helping relatives, his kids & friends in his
spare time. In fact today, he was hanging a door for our cousin Sue in
Ebensburg. Florentz says he tried calling us 3 times yesterday & again
this morning...finally getting thru this afternoon. I acknowledge our 2
days of phone woes.

6:00 Dinner: Old fashion meat loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, pecan covered
asparagus & fresh salad.

We haven't heard from Woody & Chong for Kathy calls & leaves
a message. Woody calls later to say: "We've been busy & will come up
tomorrow evening between 6:15-6:30 pm."

Lights out: 11:02 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 5, 2004 8:58 PM.

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