Friday 12 November 2004

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Awake 5:44 am Temp downtown 31 Cloudy & light rain 7 hrs 29 min of

Alaska Club exercise...upstairs @ 7:45...finish @ 11:13. Afterward, stop @
Garness Engineering for paperwork on completed well & septic tests with
passed certificates.
Minor grocery shopping @ Fred Meyers, a library stop to return books,
videos, & DVD's & make more selections...back home @ 2:30.

Change the flush ball in brown bathroom. Discover that the 2 flush balls I
purchased @ Home Depot during the summer did not fit so well(made in
Taiwan) so I will avoid buying that brand again.

@ 6:35 Woody & Chong arrive for further house buying negotiations. They
say: "we are ready." We sit in our living room & go over each item of
contention...only 2 really: The backyard landscaping & who pays for the
appraisal. After some discussion, we agree to pay for the appraisal since
they have been nice enough to hold off the closing until January 5, 2005.
And the landscaping; we had discussed this with our FSBO assistant. The
right thing to do is: establish an account to pay the landscapers the
bucks next summer or fall when the job is complete. I agreed to this with
Garness Engineering. So they are happy...we are happy. We all sign &
initial 4 copies of the contract....they write the earnest money check &
we congratulate them on buying a great house in a terrific neighborhood
with a fantastic view.

8:45 Dinner: Tuna noodle casserole with snap peas & green olives.

Watch 30 min of DVD library movie: "Monsters Ball."

Lights out: 12:15

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