Sunday 21 November 2004

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Awake 7:55 am Temp downtown 34 6 hrs 45 min of daylight

My 2nd attempt @ making an origami penquin...fails. We need a Japanese
girl to help us out here.

Call my Uncle Johnny in Massillon, Ohio for his 87th Birthday. I should be
so lucky to be in the good shape he is in when I am 87. Then my Aunt
Bertha gives us a detailed description of what's been happening with their
son Mike. He had a gall bladder operation 2 weeks ago & yesterday the Dr.
found a small hole in his lung, causing air leakage. The cause and
circumstances were unknown. They had to lance his lung & sew it up again.
We are praying for Mike's speedy recovery. My Aunt Bertha is 93 yrs young.

Call Kathy's Aunt Robin in Fort Meyers, Florida. They survived the 4
hurricanes that tore thru Florida with only the loss of electricity.
Pretty lucky I think.

6:15 Dinner: Pork slices, asparagus, pecan covered sweet potatoes, fruit
salad & toast.

Late evening: Start watching library DVD: "All about Eve."

Lights out: 11:13 pm

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