Monday 22 November 2004

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Awake 6:17 am Temp downtown 34 Cloudy 6 hrs 41 min of daylight

Alaska Club exercise...upstairs @ 7:43...finish @ 10:50. Afterward, Kathy
rides with Ann & Jackie to their favorite thrift store. I return to
Central Heating & Plumbing & purchase a new toilet seat for our pink
bathroom. Then pick up Kathy....home @ 1:35 pm.

After a late breakfast/brunch, I refasten the plastic tarp covering our
1984 Ford Van. The recent strong winds have loosened the tie down ropes &
the tarp has been flapping in the wind.

Then replace the toilet lid in our pink bathroom.

6:10 Dinner: Italian pepper steak with ziti, fresh mixed green salad & toast.

Finish watching movie: "All about Eve." What a flick. We had no idea...but
it tied with the movie "Titanic" in winning the most Oscars. (14)

Lights out: 11:22 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 7, 2004 8:16 PM.

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