Saturday 2nd October 2004

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Awake 7:15 am Temp 59 Cloudy Overnight in Nicktown

Kathy makes eggs, bacon & toast for breakfast. This morning I return the
hydraulic jacks & the 4x4's to Florentz's workshop. I sure appreciated
the.... "one stop" borrowing program. Next we stop @ Gillo's meat market
in Alverda & stock up on some lean hamburger & pork chops. Take these
things back to our refrigerator & freezer in our coach...then drive to
Scalp Ave in Johnstown(25 min) & stock up on Italian sausage, cheese,
olives, bread, etc. Then just down the street we continue our shopping @
the Market Basket store for veggies, fruit, yogurt, etc. We return to our
motorhome just before the rain begins.

Call Nick in Seattle. We update each other on our lives since we last
talked September 6th. He just finished a weekend fasting program (his
third in as many years) to cleanse his body.

The rain ceased just in time for us to walk to 6:00 pm mass. When we
return, Gary's phone recording indicates he & Grace will fly into the
Jimmy Stewart airport in Indiana (25 min) @ 10:30 am Sunday. Wonderful!

7:30 Dinner: Local Pork chops from Gillo's market, broccoli & brown/wild
Late evening magazine reading. Lights out: 11:05 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 23, 2004 12:01 PM.

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