Friday 1st October 2004

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Awake 6:15 am Temp 44 Clear sky Overnight in Nicktown

Attend 9:30 am mass. Father Larry from Prince of Peace(Nearby church, 7
min away) was presider.

After breakfast I get right after that #2 slide seal problem. Yesterday I
was able to get the seal untwisted & most of what pulled away from it's
groove..back into it's groove. Only a small section remains to maneuver
back into it's trough. Just as I begin working on this, Florentz & Anna
pull into our circular drive. He wanted to check on our slide seal
progress & the "T" handle length. I bring him up-to-date on both projects.
He takes the "T" handle with him to make modifications so we can both use
it for winterizing our respective wells. I spend another 30 min working
the small seal section into it's groove...then ask Kathy to run the #2
slide in & out for a good check. The seal stays in far, so

Our closest neighbor Chuck, rides over on his Quad-runner to offer Kathy a
ride on the trails. She takes a warm day check. "Too cool today" she says.

7:00 pm Dinner: Whole wheat noodles for tuna & noodle sprinkled with
cheese, cauliflower, & a fresh salad.

Call Gary & Grace on his cell phone in Landenberg, PA. Invite them for a
Sunday visit to Nicktown. He'll let us know.

We watch "Crossfire" on the Plasma TV. Lights out: 11:40 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 23, 2004 11:28 AM.

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