Saturday 23 October 2004

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Awake 7:18 am Temp downtown 29 Cloudy 9 hrs 17 min of daylight

Call my cousin Florentz in Pennsylvania. He is convalescing after slipping
& falling down the stairs landing on the bottom step &
racking(3)ribs...while he was carrying one of his granddaughters. She was
thrown clear & no injuries. Florentz knows that(3) ribs were cracked
because he checked them with his dousing rods.

Try to call my brother Don in answer. I think he & Josie
are traveling.

We call Gene & Jeri in Florida. Since my call was cut short on Wednesday,
I thought it would be nice to chat with them again. Besides, we are
finding more things they left behind. For example: A good looking bottle
of red wine, a real estate book, an unopened BIG bottle of Passport Scotch
& a half used bottle of the same, & a book on Alaska, series II. I am
grateful they had a small suitcase. Already Gene & Jeri are missing

Call Nick in Seattle. We talk for an hr. He's doing fine & loves his new
Kathy calls her good friend Jodi in Memphis...they have a nice update chat.

We attend 5:00 pm mass @ St. Pat's. Then I take Kathy out on the town for
something different: Pizza & beer @ Mooses Tooth. It's a great hangout for
a couple of young people like us. Back home @ 8:45 pm.

Start watching VCR library movie: "House of games." Only watch 1/2
because somebody kept falling asleep. I am anxious to see the rest.

Lights out: 11:04 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 30, 2004 10:30 PM.

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