Friday 22 October 2004

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Awake 6:47 am Temp downtown 24 Some sun 9 hrs 23 min of daylight

Casual morning for us. About 12:30, I drop Kathy off @ the library & I
drive downtown to renew our Suzuki tow car registration. This time, I
register for "Seasonal outside use waver." The cost is the same & the
difference is I cannot operate this vehicle in Anchorage from October thru
March without an IM test. Perfect! I don't ever plan on bringing the
Suzuki up to Alaska during winter or summer. Return to pick up Kathy then
back home @ 1:30 pm.

Remainder of the afternoon, I continue going thru our mail.

6:45 Dinner: Fresh Ahi Tuna steak with mixed rice & fresh salad.

9:00 DVD movie on our surprise gift from Gene & Jeri..."Sophie's Choice."
Fascinating & a well made flick.
Lights out: 11:30 pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 30, 2004 10:19 PM.

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