Sunday 5th September 2004

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Awake 7:00 am Temp 61 Clear sky

A beautiful day it is for the Annual Homecoming Nicktown picnic today.
Kathy & I walk to the church hall & get in the lunch line along with maybe
50 other people in front of us. This meal is very popular with the locals
& other people from miles around. 15 min later, my brother Don & Sister
Corinne join us for lunch. Once inside the building, the dinning room hums
with activity while tables are served, cleared off, reset & served again.
Lunch consists of: Homemade Noodles with mashed potatoes & gravy, chicken
pieces, cold slaw, string beans, carrots, peas, rolls & a selection of
yummy pie for desert. All foods are donated & labor is volunteered. It's a
real community effort. A total of 1842 meals were served over a 5 hr
period. I think that's a high average but not a record.

This picnic is really like a huge reunion. We see people we haven't seen
since last year or five or ten or longer yrs ago. It's a rendezvous time I
don't like to miss. My bro & I spend most of the afternoon walking around
talking with our ole buddies & others...then eventually head toward the
beer tent to quench that thirst. Kathy hangs out with Corinne & meets new
relatives & peers of ours.
Kathy & I leave the picnic @ 4:30 change clothes, drive down the road for
2 miles & attend the 90th birthday party of my buddy Charlie's Mom, Betty.
Betty is somewhat like my Aunt Clarissa, she keeps track of the younger
crowd, has a great sense of humor & enjoys lots of activity. Each of
Betty's children give a nice talk about their Mom & what a great supporter
& inspiration she has been for them over the years. It was very touching.
Then we eat a catered meal.
A lot of these people I don't know young lady I haven't seen for
over 40 years looks quite's Margie. My 1st serious
girlfriend that Charlie introduced to me in 1963. Kathy graciously allows
Margie & I over 30 min to talk alone & catch up on each others life. It's
always interesting to review & update your life but in this instance, it
was of special interest.
Back to the Nicktown picnic & the beer tent. Oops, a much younger crowd
hanging out there now. We know only a we don't hang around too
long. Besides, it's been a busy day. Lights out: 12:45 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 11, 2004 7:50 AM.

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