Monday 6th September 2004

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Awake 6:50 am Temp 58 Some clouds Overnight @ Nicktown

This morning we are making final preparations to leave the motorhome sit
on our property for about a month while we travel to Europe.

I disconnect the septic hose & store it in it's tubing in the basement.
Disconnect the portable water filtering system & hose & store that in the
Position some more Bounce drier sheets in various places throughout the
basement areas.
Kathy stores cereal & other foods in the refer.

Call cousin Florentz, Sister Corinne & e-mail daughter Katrina.

Mid morning, my cousins Allen, Donna & their daughter Regina & Allen's
brother Leroy visit to say goodbye for a month. I also return Al's hedge
clippers that I fixed on a temporary basis.

We leave Nicktown @ 4:20 pm Route 553 to Penn Run, Route 219 to
Blairsville, Route 22 to Pittsburgh & Route 60 to the Wyndham hotel. About
80 miles. We like this hotel for their Park & Fly program plus it's only a
7 min ride to the PIT airport in the morning.

We ate a good lunch so our Dinner is: Complimentary mixed nuts with wine &
some raw veggies Kathy brought along.

Before going to bed, we call: Nick, Zack, Melissa & Kevin...& Jeri(our
house sitter). Lights out: 11:05 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 11, 2004 8:13 AM.

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