Wednesday 14th July 2004

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Awake 6:08 am Temp Downtown=50 Hazy, smoke 18 hrs 28 min of daylight

A welcome cooler temperature this morning. High's forecast in the 60's.

This morning the washing machine gets parts left
over...then I silicone some loose linoleum on our steps going to the
landing in the upper garage.
Next 5.0 hrs..with no lunch, are dedicated to the cutting, milling &
fitting 2 cedar siding boards on the lower corner of our house that I have
dreaded to suitable tools to work with. Fortunately my
favorite son-in-law loaned me his portable power saw or the fix would have
taken days to finish. Maybe those boards have been missing since the
beginning of time or since we purchased the house in 91. I had to make
several precision 45 degree cuts, mill the board down to 1/4 of an inch in
places, shave 1/8 inch off other areas, was most challenging.
Using a portable saw without any good holddown device is a bummer. But
it's done & I dare anyone to spot the area that I've worked on!

Meanwhile, super girl Kathy makes a trip to FSBO headquarters for some
personal top secret information.

Now I am excited to continue working on the assembly of our flower box.
Spend 2.5 hrs drilling holes...necessary because this oak wood is 4
quarter and tough, then 25 screws are powered into one side attaching the
base with the back side of the flower box. That's enough fun for today.

Just before dinner, Linda calls & makes an appointment to see our house
tomorrow @ 7:00 pm.

7:45 Dinner: Combination of leftovers: Halibut, tuna & noodles, " T " bone
steak, bean salad & toast.

Casual evening...mostly reading. Lights out: 11:21 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 18, 2004 10:07 AM.

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