Thursday 15th July 2004

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Awake 5:11 am Temp Downtown=58 Partly cloudy 18 hrs 24 min of daylight

Kathy primes the fish cleaning sink's support structure in upper garage.
She also cleans a corian piece that is part of our master bedroom shower
seat that I silicone in place this morning.

Rick calls to see the house this afternoon I mow the front
yard using tractor & lawnmower.

Paint Penofin wood preserver on the two cedar siding boards I fitted into
place yesterday....2 coats.

Kathy scrapes a residue off the Melissa/Nick bedroom window & Katrina/Zack
bedroom window using a razor blade. Me thinks it's probably some Penofin
liquid that strayed off course last summer during my painting of the 2nd
story siding boards.

Kathy would like to paint a first coat on the fish sink structure now that
the priming has dried but does not want to be seen wearing her painting
clothes when that guy Rick & his wife visit to tour our house this
afternoon. So she does nothing & she just hates doing nothing.

Meanwhile, I don't care if someone catches me wearing dirty work clothes
so I continue the assembly on our BIG flower box.

Before I know it, Kathy calls for dinner & she's not happy that the guy
Rick didn't show & didn't even call to cancel. Whoever he is, he's in

5:45 Dinner: Leftover Pork Roast with fried apples, beans, broccoli, toast
& fresh salad.

7:00 pm Linda & Tim arrive. They request we show them our home. Then we
talk & they tour themselves...then we talk some more. So far, this couple
have been the most suitable family to live in a house this size. They have
4 children, 2 just starting high school. They say nice things about the
location, view & great features we have to offer. They also said they have
just begun their search for a home to buy this month.

Casual evening after Tim & Linda leave. We munch on popcorn & have some
spirits. Lights out: 11:28 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 18, 2004 10:37 AM.

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