Tuesday 6th July 2004

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Awake 7:30 am Temp Downtown=60 Sunny 18 hrs 56 min of daylight

Today we clean & reorganize the house after the family holiday activities.
Kathy dusts, cleans 90% of the 2nd story windows inside, cleans 6 of the 7
sinks, the bathroom mirrors & toilets. During this time I am hiding in
another room & pretending she isn't doing anything....no not really.
Sometimes it bothers me when she gets into these whirlwind cleaning
frenzies...makes me feel guilty that I am loafing & that I should be doing
something to help out. But..I'm an outside man...can only do technical
things..very complicated fixes and all that stuff.

Anyway, I get out the l-o-n-g hose for the central vacuum & do both sets
of stairways while she is vacuuming all the rugs in our house with the
Dirt Devil. Then I continue doing some re-caulking on our Jacuzzi while
she re-pots some outdoor flowers.

The house is ready. Jim & Laurie arrive @ 7:00 pm to do a self tour...then
we answer questions.

8:15 Dinner: Hamburger with broccoli, beans & fresh salad.
Late evening around 10:30 pm, we go for a drive around our neighborhood to
see the new homes that are being built. Lights out: 11:40 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 9, 2004 8:09 AM.

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