Monday 5th July 2004

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Awake 6:05 am Temp Downtown=54 Some clouds 18 hrs 59 min of daylight

Semi-casual morning. Kathy gives Nick a splendid haircut before noontime
while I organize some misc boxes in our living room ...then move them to
our mini storage facility( the 1984 Ford Van ).

The Footes arrive @ 12:00. While Nick, Melissa & Kevin continue their
computer activities as from yesterday...Kathy & I mow the front & back
lawns using both the Kubota tractor & the snapper lawn mower.

Little Matthew, although very cute & smiling a lot, is not having a good
day. There were several occasions that a few of us thought seriously of
using earplugs when entering the living room area.

Early 4:15 Dinner: Spiral sliced baked ham, mashed potatoes with gravy,
corn, toast & fresh salad.

The Footes were planning on spending more of the evening with us but with
Matthew being a little on the fussy side, they leave around 7:30 pm.

Then....Kathy give me a splendid haircut.

Evening time: Nick previews the Kirsch family photo album on line with
Kathy & I. After some casual chit-chatting, we drive Nick to the arpt to
catch his 12:55 am flight back to Seattle. It's always been a special
treat for us & the family when...either or both of our boys visit home.
Lights out: 1:02 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 7, 2004 8:24 AM.

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