Tuesday 27th July 2004

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Awake 4:56 am Temp Downtown=56 Cloudy 17 hrs 28 min of daylight

E-mail Nick to get help in the URL category for listing our " for sale "
items on our Credit Union's marketplace. He responds quickly & clears up
most of the confusion....what a guy!
Our favorite son-in-law arrives around 11:45 am for use of our fish
cleaning sink to fillet his 12 sockeye salmon he caught yesterday while
dip netting. This is good as Kevin's reputation for extreme generosity is
ever increasing especially during the fishing season. Kathy & Kevin work
together wrapping the fish first in cellophane, then again in freezer

Flash news: Kevin gets the call that confirms his full time computer
position at the University of Alaska Anchorage. Hip...Hip. He will be
giving his current employer FedEx a 2 week notice.

Shortly after 5:00 pm Sandy drives up looking for a house flier. Our flier
box is empty. Over 250 of those were used up since we've started
advertizing our house for sale. We invite her in & Kathy gives her a tour
of the house. She is a pilot for FedEx.
7:00 pm Dinner: Leftover potato pork pie, some leftover broccoli &
cauliflower, toast & salad.
Evening time: Kathy reads her novel...I read another motorhome magazine.
Lights out: 11:22 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 30, 2004 7:39 AM.

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