Monday 26th July 2004

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Awake 4:45 am Temp Downtown=56 Light rain 17 hrs 33 min of daylight

Our morning was consumed with computer activities trying to upload our "
for sale " items onto advertizing sites...such as our Credit Union site.
We finally give up for now.

Early afternoon, I finalize the clean out of both upper & lower garage
floor drains. They look a lot cleaner now for sure.
Marty drives up with her 4 grandkids to get some of our seasoned firewood.
Our friend Denise tipped her off as to who has extra wood waiting to be
hauled away. They fill their truck bed in no time with Kathy's help.
Meantime, I am using my small German sander to take a wee bit of wood from
our master bathroom door to overcome a slight sticking characteristic.

We hear nothing from Rosie or Willey today. Rosie had earlier informed us
that Willey will be a cash buyer..she talked with his lawyer and was told
that Willey is good for it.

6:50 pm dinner: Kathy's mixed veggie stew with noodles & toast.

Evening X-word puzzle & motorhome magazine reading. Lights out: 11:31 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 30, 2004 6:35 AM.

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