Awake 5:57 am Temp Downtown=50 Cloudy 19 hrs & 19 min of daylight
After breakfast, a shopping we will go. Groceries & minor home repair
items on the list. 6 stores in 4.5 hrs. Not bad I say & we keep our
cool...the temp remained @ 50 degrees & windy. It's jacket weather today.
Back home @ 2:35 pm to find our EMPTY garbage cans & their lids scattered
about the back yard.
Stacey, our assigned & very able assistant from the FSBO group, visits to
take a " suitable for framing " picture of our home for their web site but
alas....Mother Nature is not cooperating. Weather moved in with lower
clouds & drizzle. Not a good photo moment. She will try again tomorrow.
After lunch I replace a fuel filter on my favorite Cherry Picker, then
place a cover plate on an exposed electrical ceiling outlet.
7:15 pm Dinner: Fresh Tuna steak with a citrus ginger sauce, brown rice &
fresh salad with a special dressing including sliced strawberries.
Evening time: Kathy begins getting in touch with her local buddies via
phone while I clean up the kitchen & dishes. Later, I work a X-word
Ok folks, today's report clearly demonstrates the more relaxed atmosphere
of kathy & Monte's former lifestyle revisited. May it continue....with a
little less shopping however. Lights out 11:18 pm
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