Tuesday 15th June 2004

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Awake 6:16 am Temp Downtown=56 Partly Cloudy

Casual morning for us. We sit in our living room & just talk for hours of
what we have been doing, what we have yet to do & what to do after that.
It was sort of like trying to gaze into the crystal ball of life during
these times.

I for one, am excited about our future...leading toward a full time gypsy
lifestyle & roaming the countryside on a set of wheels. But there remains
many things yet to fine tune in this plan to make it happen.

Since our FSBO assistant gave us a passing grade on our housework Monday,
we feel the push to continue doing the little things can now be at a more
relaxed pace.

To emphasize an attitude of relaxation, after lunch Kathy lays down on our
couch & takes a good nap while I clean up the dishes. I am not quite that
fast at adjusting, so I sneak down to the lower garage...start the Cherry
Picker & paint 6 window frames on the kitchen's West side + paint over the
primer on the back porch door.

So much for Kathy's nap...as soon as that big onan engine started roaring,
she was up & at em...doing some organizing of our spare light
bulbs(keeping 2 of each kind that we use throughout the house)the rest to
be donated to Salvation Army. Then she cleaned more of our light fixtures.

When I finish my painting, I mow the grass with the Kubota tractor. Kathy
does the trimming with the Snapper mower & also trims more sidewalk grass,
the RV parking ramp & the rear patio using a big knife.

I pump up a low tire on the 1983 Volvo & drive it around back to park on
our cleaned up RV ramp.

We finish up today @ 6:30 pm. Watch 30 min of Nova: " Investigation of
who shot down the German flier Manfred Von Richthofen?" The Red Baron.

And...I drink a classic beer that somehow was included in our " Move from
Memphis " that I brought home from Belgium during the late eighties. It is
a trappistenbier(Monk Beer) and was still surprising GOOD!

8:15 pm Dinner: Chicken Stir-fry with whole wheat noodles & fresh salad.

At 10:00 pm, we watch " Good time girls of the gold rush days." Again
Kathy demonstrates: The attitude of relaxation by falling asleep in her
easy chair during the show. Lights out: 11:18 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 17, 2004 9:08 AM.

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