Saturday 12th June 2004

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Awake 6:02 am Temp Downtown=49 Sunny

I start my day by cleaning out our sauna. It was being used for years as
my closet. Then I lubricate the heater fan motor in the upper garage. All
that water I sprayed trying to clean that ceiling yesterday effected the
fan bearing but a few drops of oil near the bearing did the trick.

We admire..then ponder over the garage ceiling artwork.......and we think
it will be " OK " the way it is. Actually some of my spraying may have
made a difference...the BIG ROUND SQUEEKY CIRCLE isn't quite as obvious
this morning as it was yesterday.

Kathy spends most of her time today cleaning the upper garage walls, floor
& shelving....and no ceiling work. I was checking on that.

I spend over 2 hours cleaning grass & weeds out of the driveway asphalt
cracks...then spray the cracks with the killer roundup. We quit the
houseworking at 3:30 pm.

En route to 5:00 pm church service at St. Patrick's, we make a library
stop to return a video Kathy was using on the Japanese language, then
donate 3 bags of styrofoam peanuts to the nearby UPS store. After mass,
we stop at the recycle center to rid ourselves of a bunch of cardboard,
glass & tin.

Dinner tonight: Moose's Tooth Pizza & dark beer. We don't see any of our
buddies tonight. Back home @ 9:00 pm. We continue watching our FSBO video
and doing our workbook. Lights out: 11:40 pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 15, 2004 12:02 AM.

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