Friday 11th June 2004

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Awake 5:48 am Temp Downtown=46 High cirrus clouds

A later start on the housework this morning. We watch some news coverage
on the church service eulogy for our former President Ronald Reagan. Very
touching! Then we disignate today as: Clean the upper garage day.

Working together, we move the remaining things off the North shelves,
position the 7 foot ladder, which is actually an 8 foot ladder when folded
& 7' 7/12 inches when extended.. anyway, using the ladder & vacuum
cleaner, I do the high areas of the window, heater fan & top of shelving.
then she vacuums the lower areas...shelving, fish cleaning sink & ducting
from furnace.

Meanwhile, I am the cleaner of the outside windows...again. This time the
Ground level all around. Using Kathy's formula of ammonia, vinegar & water
for the cleaning & old newspapers for the final wipe leaves
no streaks.

Meanwhile Kathy calls to get my opinion. In the upper garage she climbed
up that 8 foot ladder & started scrubbing the dirty ceiling which is
textured sheetrock...and the BIG round circle area she worked on is
squeeky clean but the remainder of the oversized 2 car garage ceiling is
d-i-r-t-y. She informs me she can do no more because it's hurting her
back. Now we have a problem. Well...for the next 2 hours, I try various
methods & different formulas to spray that ceiling to clean up the
remaining dirty areas...nothing is working to our satisfaction. So I say
we let it dry and see how it looks in the morning.

Back to a more simple chore of organizing. I move 14 tires out from the
lower garage & store them in our tilt trailer for now.

Kathy returns to the downstairs level & finalizes the cleaning process by
vacuuming all rugs in all rooms. At 7:30 pm, we call it a day.

Dinner: Tuna casserole, bean salad & fresh salad. After dinner we watch
our " For Sale by Owner " video & do our workbook. Lights out:12:10am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 14, 2004 11:36 PM.

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