Saturday 29th May 2004

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Awake: 5:03 am Temp Downtown=38 Mostly clear skies

Nick calls from Seatte @ 8:24 am. We talk condo inspection stuff, MG
storage dilemma, etc. It appears that the more he finds out about his new
condo buy, the more comfortable he is about it.

Katrina calls at 9:34 am while walking briskly to the downtown deli to
have breakfast with Jason, his girlfriend & another girl he used to work
with. These are the kind of things that Katrina has wanted to do ever
since her moving to close enough to downtown to walk or
ride her bike to where the cool action takes place.

After breakfast, Kathy attacks our pantry with vengeance...I could easly
hear her muttering as she charged through that door: " I'll get you, you
dirty filthy unorganized BAD PANTRY you!"

Meanwhile, I calmly begin to prepare the old computer nook area for
texturing with orange peel splatter. It takes me close to an hour using
newspapers to shield the areas from over spray....and a mere minute to
spray the fix up area. We'll see how it looks after drying.

We attend 5:00 pm church service at St. Patrick's. Afterwards, we meet
Katrina & one of her roommates(Star) at Moose's Tooth for pizza & beer. We
are midway thru our meal when Denise walks by and visits for awhile. She's
been out of have we, so we have a lot of catching up to do.

As we are leaving, we bump into Bill & Diane...they've been out of have we, so we have more catching up to do with them.

Tonight was some good social time for us which we have been lacking a lot
since hanging out here at home just doing housework...UGH!

Katrina & Star come up to our house afterwards and Katrina takes more of
her " stuff " back to her hangout. She is getting close to having it all
moved out soon. Horray!
We both work at our respective X-word puzzles till after midnight.
Lights out: 12:20 am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 30, 2004 12:48 PM.

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