Friday 28th May 2004

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Awake: 5:56 am Temp Downtown=48 High clouds

Semi-casual morning for both of us....especially after yesterday's
gruelling workout. Eventually we do get back to the jobs at hand tho.

I start by doing some more caulking on the Jacuzzi with silicone....then
down to the gameroom for sanding & smoothing out the spackling I did

Kathy asks for my help in paying her credit card on line. That takes us
about 30 min including a call to the credit card company.

Just before lunch, I spackle another area next to the shower downstairs.

After lunch, we go shopping again...leaving at 1:50 pm. Only 6 stores
this time....but it was casual. I think I'm getting the hang of this
shopping thing: I ask my dear wife...gently, how much time do you think
you need, she tells me, then I add another 10 min or more...and meet her
at the designated rendezvous spot. On our last stop, we did order a new
diswasher for our home. Our 22 yr old dishwasher really does work darn
good for it's age but we do have to manually open the soap dispenser
during the early stage of it's cycle. Back home at 6:15 pm.

Dinner: Atlantic Salmon, some leftover flank steak & fresh salad.
Lights out: 11:48 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 29, 2004 10:58 PM.

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