Tuesday 6 December 2011

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Awake: 6:16am     Temp 47      sleep 7+13     heavy fog & gentle rain    overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, Kathy dropped me off @ the house & she went grocery shopping & for other things of interest.

I spent some time on the computer & then called my friend Gary J., & wished him a "Happy Birthday." Gary & I had a lot to talk about; we were probably on the phone for over an hr but it was some good chat. After that phone time, I began going thru a good sized box; checking what to get rid of & what to hold onto. After a while, Kathy called to let me know that she is doing fine but she's not finished yet.

Then I called Jeff in Alaska; I had e-mailed a documentary to him about a week ago & haven't heard from him since, so I left him a message. Meanwhile, Kathy returned home @ 3:00pm; we both helped in distributing the groceries. Then I made another call to Alaska; I asked Linda to forward our mail & then I let her know that we are canceling our forward mail program. She suspected as much as we talked about this a few times before. I also let her know that we appreciated their good delivery service & after (6+) years, they had never had a foul up in the shipping.

Dinner: Eggplant parmesan with spinach salad & Como toast.

Mid evening, I went down stairs & used my metal lathe to help clean off some of the rust on the metal holders for the ping-pong net.

Lights out: 10:48pm/.               

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