Thursday 8 December 2011

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Awake: 7:01am      Temp 26      sleep 7+39      mostly cloudy      overnight @ Nicktown

K& I attended the children's Mass @ 9:30am this morning & we skipped the KK meeting.

After we returned to our house, Kathy was very intent on getting our Foosball table put together; we hadn't forgotten about it, we just didn't know what we were doing.

It's have to slide (1 to 5) plastic players on the poles, use a few tools to tighten the players to the poles, & make sure the poles do not bang against the walls. If you should make a mistake on one of the poles, you have to remove all the players on that pole & re-start. I must have re-done a good dozen or more today. We literally focused our attention to get it right the 1st try...but it didn't happen.

We spent over (5) hrs without stopping & we are still not finished. Kathy took a break & washed a few windows, organized the other side of the game room, including sweeping & washing the floor to ease her excitement. It may look finished in the picture but it's not. DSC0001392.JPG Dinner: leftover egg plant Parmesan with Italian sausage mixed salad & Como toast.

Lights out:11:02pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 9, 2011 11:10 PM.

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