Saturday 10 December 2011

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Awake: 5:10 am      Temp 28      sleep 5+34      sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting & back @ our house, we tidied up the rough areas of our disorganized hex & game room. Since we are having the Foote family visit us, we don't want any one to get hurt. This will be the 1st time the Foote boys will be inside our house since we 1st started moving our things inside.

They arrived @ 1:30pm & were they ever excited; Kathy wanted to give the boys a personal tour but she didn't get too far; as soon as they saw the Match Box toys & other bigger toys in the hallway toward the guest's rooms, they stopped & that was the end of the tour. We had some of our son's medium size cars, trucks, motorhome, military trucks, airplanes, etc. from yrs ago. DSC0001395.JPG They played for quite awhile with all of those old toys & then it was time for a snack. A few months ago, Kathy's angel, Carol, had a children's table with (4) chairs that she didn't want anymore & offered to us. That was the perfect prize for that corner of the hex; DSC0001396.JPG                    & the boys loved eating & pouring their own water out of a pitcher. DSC0001397.JPG After their snack time, the basement was next; the boys looked everything over very closely, asking questions along the way. Since Kevin was still doing work on our high-tech stuff, DSC0001398.JPG the boys were all eyes as they stood there & watched their dad! Instead of just passing by some of my equipment in the laboratory & saying nothing, I decided to: 1st tell them what the machine is, then tell them what it can do, & then demonstrate the machine;for example, they really enjoyed seeing what happens with the metal lathe; DSC0001399.JPG and a heavy high torque drill, a smaller drill, a sander, a grinder, & a few other machines that I haven't had the space to put into action yet. It was a nice visit & I enjoyed playing with the boys & the bigger toys myself.

                               Here is little Abbey getting dressed up to leave. DSC0001400.JPG
                            And here is Abbey's Mother, Melissa carrying Abbey. DSC0001401.JPG We said our goodbyes to the Foote family for now & then K & I attended vigil Mass in Nicktown & afterward, joined Theresa & John for a pizza with beer; we always have a good time with these fine people.

Lights out: 12:31am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 12, 2011 5:37 PM.

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