Tuesday 22 November 2011

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Awake: 5:05am      Temp 41      sleep 6+16       rain began @ 9:50am      overnight @ Nicktown.

@ our KK this morning, I brought (2) items to give away: some literature & a bottle of Mississippi Mud from Memphis. Kathy was going to toss these things but I wanted to give then away if there was interest. And when our meeting was over, John took both the literature & the Mississippi Mud. That doesn't mean that "he" will keep these items, but you never know.

Back @ our house, I continued a plan for trying to test the motors used on the erector set; so far, the small batteries did not take the soldering as I thought it would, so that idea is caput. DSC0001344.JPG Later & before dinner, Bob the builder, arrived @ 7:00pm to hang our recently purchased bathroom lights in the powder room. DSC0001345.JPG                               And here is the more lighted blue powder room. DSC0001346.JPG And after that, he changed a fan control knob that will match the other switches on the walls.

Dinner: salmon, rice, toast & salad.

Evening time: we both went thru our paraphernalia to get rid of "stuff" of no interest.

Lights out: 10:32pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 27, 2011 10:29 AM.

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