Saturday 12 November 2011

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Awake: 5:45am      Temp 35      sleep 7+11      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

@ the KK, we had a call from Karen (Kathy's buddy) motoring on the PA turnpike; they expected to be near our neighborhood by1:00pm. After the KK meeting, & back @ our house, another call from Karen; they had a flat tire so the new ETA will be around 2:00pm.

                             Meanwhile, we had a delivery by FDX from Alice. DSC0001310.JPG Then our son-in-law, Kevin, arrived to hook up & provide more high-tech wiring for our communications with the switchboard, phones, TV, etc. DSC0001311.JPG                           Kevin worked non stop (4.5) hrs during the afternoon. DSC0001312.JPG Karen & Steve arrived about 2:00pm; the flat tire was no big deal as they lucked out & found a tire shop before noon quitting time. DSC0001313.JPG Kathy gave them a grand tour of our house & they had a few questions along the way. Karen actually found a door near our master bedroom that the builders had not put a door knob on. That was a surprise for us.

              Mid afternoon, we had snack time in the game room & bar with a little wine. DSC0001314.JPG                                 Off & on, I helped Kevin by checking wires. DSC0001315.JPG Before Kevin left, we brought in (2) mattresses for the visitor's bedrooms. Then Kathy & I left Steve & Karen for the time being & encouraged them to meet us @ the Nicktown bar & join us after church.

We attended the 6:00pm vigil Mass @ Nicktown & afterward, joined Theresa, Steve, Karen, & John for beer & Pizza. We had a good gab session all around & then back to our house.

Both Karen & Steve were tired as they drove from Florida to see their Aunt in Philidelphia, stayed the night, & today visited us. They are the 1st to stay the night in our house.

Lights out: 11:00pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 20, 2011 7:43 PM.

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