Friday 4 November 2011

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Awake: 4:55am     Temp 42    sleep 6+07    mostly sunny + windy   overnight @ Nicktown.

After the KK meeting, we had a small breakfast & then I called Dave to let him know that we would like to pick up things that we forgot in our M.H. It was OK with him so we stopped on our way to Ebensburg.

Next we checked groceries @ the West End Market & Wal-Mart. I also bought a battery @ Wal-Mart for my Buick. I didn't think this short trip would take as long as it did...cause I  intended to do some work on my old Buick when we returned from shopping. It was 2:00pm when we returned.

I forgot John's phone number so I called him when we got home & left a message. Before going to the garage, I gathered tools that I thought we might need on this project. I couldn't do much without John; he knows a lot about old cars & brakes, etc.  DSC0001299.JPG I did put the new battery in & added a little gasoline into the carburetor, started the Buick up & left it idle for about (5) min.

Later, I called Kathy & asked if John had called; he had not. I got to a point where I was a little shy about going too far on what needed to be done. I started gathering up my tools & heading back to the house when Kathy called; she told me John was busy outside & didn't get the message until 5:00pm. He wanted to know if it was too late to come over anyway. "No, not too late" & I told Kathy to pass it on.

When he did arrive, he was not able to solve my problem; he suggested that we try again on Monday.

Back @ our house, Kathy had been keeping herself busy by organizing. It was 8:00pm & days later, I had forgotten what meal we ate.

The remaining time after dinner had us both reading & listening to good music.

Lights out: 11:55pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 16, 2011 9:35 PM.

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