Tuesday 4 October 2011

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Awake: 6:22am Temp 47 sleep 6+53 fog..drizzle overnight @ Nicktown.

                                 The Zernick team, some of them hiding, DSC0001220.JPG                                         & Mike the Mason + Sky DSC0001221.JPG                                            all worked a full day today.

                       Sky sawed a lot of bricks in half to fit the angles of our house. DSC0001222.JPG The workers were certainly bundled up during the morning, & that fog didn't lift very high until way after quitting time. DSC0001223.JPG After my epoxy cured from yesterday's Helicopter mending, I was able to get the Helicopter working about 80% of the time. It's a fun game to maneuver; almost like flying a real helicopter.

    Then I started checking out the penny slot machine; within minutes, this too had a glitch. DSC0001224.JPG                                   That's all for me on these gadgets for today.

Dinner: Maryland style crab soup with Como bread.

Starting @ 7:00pm, K & I attended the closure of (40) hrs devotions @ the Nicktown church. There was a fairly good crowd.

Lights out: 11:47pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 6, 2011 10:24 PM.

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