Thursday 13 October 2011

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Awake: 6:40am     Temp 54     sleep 7+18     mostly cloudy     overnight @ Nicktown.  

This morning, the regular Zernick team are here & the irregular Bassett (3) guys are also here; all the guys are working on the south side....even the boss man from Bassett is working, Simon.

For breakfast, Kathy made us a veggie omelet; quite good. I opened (2) more boxes today: the 1st one was all Volkswagen parts; most of the parts are unused. The 2nd box was all metal lathe parts; both boxes were very heavy.

After all that heavy fun, I took our Hoover vacuum cleaner & cleaned the concrete floor, well, just the paths that are traveled.

Dinner: pork chops, fried noodles, broccoli, & apple sauce.

Melissa called us @ 10:45pm; she was having contractions...0hooo. So we are now putting ourselves on guard for Melissa. Kathy got out one of her small bags & packed it just in case.... for tonight. About (10) min later... heavy rain moved in & we went to bed.

I had photo coverage for these next (3) days & they were good....but I foolishly lost them by mistake. Darn!

Lights out: 11:17pm.                  


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 17, 2011 10:07 PM.

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