Saturday 15 October 2011

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Awake: 6:44am      Temp 46     sleep 6+53      partly sunny & windy    overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy stayed the night @ the Foote Castle & returned to our motorhome & house @ 2:00pm. She said that nothing was happening so she came back to get some things done inside our house. 

Meanwhile, I was hoping to get our Jura coffee machine working & surprise her when she arrived. The surprise didn't work of course...&.(2) hrs later & neither did our Jura. So I gave up for the time being; probably a glitch from being in the dark for so many yrs. DSC0001256.JPG Then I spent about (6) hrs thoroughly going through our file cabinet; so many papers are out of date & not necessary to hang on to so I let Kathy look over the "not wanted" stack & from there, they will end up in the burn pile.

Later, we attended 6:00pm vigil Mass @ our church & afterward, joined our group: Barry, Bonnie Lou, Theresa, John, & Ernie for some beer & Pizza...& some good laughs.

About 11:00 pm, Kevin called & said that tonight will be OK; nothing is happening.

Kathy & I finished watching the movie: "The seven percent solution" with Nicol Williamson, Alan Arkin, Vanessa Redgrave, Robert Duvall, Laurence Olivier, etc. Sherlock Holmes meets Sigmund Freud in this handsome, entertaining film adapted by Nicholas Meyer from his novel. Shifts gears from serious drama to tongue-in-cheek adventure, but stays on target all the way. 1976. Good story for us to stay awake with.

Lights out: 12:43.

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