Monday 17 October 2011

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Monday 17      October      2011    Minutes after midnight, I heard our cell phone ringing but I could not find it in the dark; then our landline phone rang. It was Melissa alright; "I think you'd better come out as soon as possible, she said." Kathy was waking up & got the message.

Weather outside: heavy rain with strong winds. We were in our Suzuki in less then (10) minutes. I dropped Kathy off @ their porch & made sure she was let in the castle. Then I turned around & headed back to our M.H., arriving @ 1:40am.

Shortly after 7:00am, Kathy called with good news: Abbey Nicole was born @ 2:35am; (9) lbs, (1) oz. 20 inches in length. Mother & child are fine. Wonderful news!

I felt I should stay here due to a delivery scheduled today; our replacement microwave to arrive between noon & 4:00pm. The person who delivers it is supposed to take the defunct microwave out & install the new one. Meanwhile, I advertised our new granddaughter, Abbey Nicole, to the Zernick workers...who were directly in front of our bus. They acknowledged the thrill. DSC0001259.JPG                     They are very close to finishing the facia all around our house.

Later, I made several phone calls to the Jura Company USA in Peach Tree, Atlanta, Georgia to no avail. Even Google was of no help.

Next I tried to get our Sirius radio working; this too, was taken out when the compressors quit working. I am beginning to feel like I can't fix anything? Not good. Then I went to the basement & fiddled around with the Ms-Pacman what a surprise; I got it working... & I played (3) games; fun.I needed that. DSC0001260.JPG Oh yes, our replacement microwave did arrive, was installed & I tested it. It works great.

My dinner: leftover tuna & noodle, leftover chili, & multigrain Tuscany bread, toasted.

Kathy called around 8'ish & we updated each other. Seems Nathan was very unhappy about Melissa going to the hospital & he screamed & cried for about 25 min, waking Gregory. When Nathan finally calmed down, he joined Kathy & Gregory in playing cars & then Kathy read several books to them. About 2:30am, Kathy asked the boys if they were getting tired; with a little encouragement, she got the guys back to bed just about the time Abbey was born.

Zach called while driving home from work; we probably talked for over an hr; his work, our house building, his trip coming up, the stuff we have of his that he doesn't want, etc. It was a good call.

Lights out: 11:21pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 20, 2011 11:27 PM.

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