Friday 30 September 2011

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Awake: 5:40am      Temp 52      sleep 6+06       cold ...windy & partly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Today again, we have one Mason & Sky, the mason's helper. Both of these guys are bundled up.

On the other side of our house, the Zernick team continues working on the initial platform for the decking.
                    I am not sure who this fellow is, but he's nicely bundled up as well. DSC0001203.JPG One of my jobs today was taking the door off our wine cooler & adjusting it correctly; according to the manual, if the light goes out, the wine cooler is properly set; so far, nothing's changed.
I opened (2) huge boxes this afternoon; (4) beautiful 1965 Pontiac hub-caps were in one box along with other items, & the 2nd box had (2) shop manuals for a 1965 Pontiac; chassis & air conditioning + a lot of miscellaneous car parts.

Wine time in the hex: with sour cream & onion bunnies.

Dinner in our M.H. Peasant bean soup with Como bread.

Lights out: 12:04am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 3, 2011 9:58 PM.

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