Wednesday 31 August 2011

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Awake: 7:21am       Temp 60      sleep 7+38      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Today, we had (2) Zernick workers scheduled to be here but we didn't know that (1) tile worker would also be here to finish up the odds & ends of the tile projects.

                      Levy spent most of his tiling time on (3) projects: my fireplace; DSC0001099.JPG Kathy's backsplash in the kitchen sink but no photo just yet. & the tile work in the laundry room sink. DSC0001100.JPG Chuck, the boss man, brought in the glass door for the Jack & Jill shower but did not work on it today. DSC0001101.JPG Kathy was busy checking with Bob & Nathan on her pantry. Then mid morning, she motored to Indiana for grocery shopping & to baby sit while Melissa had a doctor's appointment.

Turns out, the appointment was canceled, so they all walked to the Indiana Fair where they checked out the cows & goats, played in the kids' tent, watched the model train exhibit, & played on the playground. They then walked over to the IUP campus where they met Kevin & Kathy treated all to ice cream cones.

Back @ our house, I made a few decisions regarding Kathy's pantry that Bob wanted to know. Kathy called in @ 5:50pm & returned @ 6:25pm.

Dinner: Crab cakes, broccoli, & rice with golden raisins, cherries & red grapes.

Lights out: 11:45pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 6, 2011 10:38 PM.

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