Wednesday 21 September 2011

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Awake: 6:17am      Temp 59      sleep 6+56      overcast       overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, we visited Bob & Nathan in our house. We discussed the bathroom lights above the medicine cabinets, & the utility cabinets, & my drawers & electrical setup.

Meanwhile, the Bassett guys were busy doing their bricking. We are happy to see them each day. Because of many angles on our house, the guys have to cut quite a few bricks during a day's work. DSC0001161.JPG Then K & I motored to Ebensburg & the Sears store to pick up our small bar refrigerator... plus some groceries @ Wal-Mart.

Back @ our house, Bob & Nathan unloaded the refrigerator & we unloaded the groceries...some in our house & some in our M.H.

Next, we motored to the Foote Castle to spend time with the boys & let Melissa go to her weekly check-up with the doctor. After introducing myself to the boys, Nathan, Andrew, Matthew & I went down to the basement where Matthew & I unsoldered many parts off of an old 50-60's TV circuit board & a more current printer board.

He's wanted to use the soldering gun for a long time so I let him handle it himself while I wiggled parts away from the circuit board. Matthew held the trigger on the soldering gun so long that all of a sudden the gun itself blew up & melted some of its heavy plastic case. That was the end of our unsoldering for today. Andrew & Nathan had each been busy with different projects, but perked up & were quick to check out the soldering gun.

While we were downstairs, Kathy stayed in the living room with Gregory, who was running a fever & was sleeping on the couch. After he woke & got some cuddling from Grandma, she read him a story while he ate some lunch. Upon Melissa's return, it was time to get the sand into their sandbox.

 Here Kathy demonstrated how to get the heavy bucket of sand out of our Suzuki & onto the wagon:just slide the bucket carefully out & into the wagon. Nothing to it! DSC0001162.JPG          Then Matthew demonstrated how easy it was to dump the sand into the sandbox. DSC0001163.JPG This is the sandbox that Kevin built & each night they cover the sandbox with a tarp. He made it big due to (4) active boys need their space. DSC0001164.JPG Today, we celebrated the feast day of St. Matthew (Matthew's special saint; his name day) with a delicious chocolate chip cookie & an ice cream cone for the occasion. DSC0001165.JPG Many months ago, I watched as Andrew practiced riding a bike; over & over he tried his best, but I didn't know if he really did catch on, so I asked him today. "Yes!" he told me. Then he got his helmet & bike out from the storage building & away he a pro. . DSC0001166.JPG                              Now Nathan is practicing to be a scooter pro. DSC0001167.JPG Kevin came home from work so we had some time to chat with him also. It was a fun visit.

Dinner: Leftover bean taco from Melissa's kitchen.

Lights out: 11:45pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 23, 2011 1:27 PM.

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