Wednesday 14 September 2011

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Awake: 6:05am      Temp 63      sleep 6+42      overcast      overnight @ Nicktown.

After attending our KK, Bob showed us his idea of a cabinet behind the bar which we agreed to have done. DSC0001132.JPG Later, I called Bassett & talked to the secretary; she gave me Jim's cell phone # & I spoke with him about our house being left out of the picture so many times. He told me that they need to finish up on our house by next week. I hope that statement is for real.

My brother Don called & wanted to have a boys night out on Friday. "I'm all for that idea," I told him.

Meanwhile, Kathy motored to the Foote Castle to baby sit the (4) boys while Melissa had a check up with the ob. doctor; only (1) more month to go!

This time, Kevin wasn't home to help dump the sand into the sandbox, but Matthew came up with an idea which they followed. Kathy put each 5 gal bucket from the car onto the wagon, Matthew pulled the wagon into the backyard, backed up to the sandbox & with a "heave-ho," Kathy pushed the bucket off the wagon, into the dump complete; this was repeated 2 more times.

During her absence, I continued opening boxes & putting things anywhere & everywhere. I did spend some time getting my workbench out in the open & slowly starting it's Phoenix. DSC0001133.JPG Later, I called Newell & talked with Jimmy; I explained to him what I accomplished in reference to the failed air system. Then he told me that I have the system upside down! "Can't be" I said. "Just reverse it Monte & call me later." Well, I did & nothing changed. I will call back later after I study some more.

Dinner: BLT's with red grapes, cole slaw & chips.

Lights out: 11:12pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 18, 2011 2:09 PM.

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