Sunday 28 August 2011

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Awake: 6:00am      Temp 65      sleep 6+08       overcast...windy      overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attended 8:00am Mass & afterward, we stopped @ the storage facility; made us feel so good that we have all of our (19) crates empty now. These were the last three. DSC0001087.JPG Not all of our things have been taken back to the house yet: like this quad-runner, the Shopsmith, our outdoor Grill..... DSC0001088.JPG and some some more metal lathe parts, etc. We hope to have these things in our house this week sometime. DSC0001089.JPG Back in our motorhome, Kathy made a veggie omelet for our breakfast this morning; 1st time in ages because we have gotten hooked on our cereal & berry breakfast for a long time now.

After breakfast, I talked Kathy into taking a relaxed walk around town. For whatever reason, there were few people to be seen in town so we came back to our house. I also made a motion to declare this day a "do nothing day."

After our walk, we visited our house & took a few photos. A picture: the cluttered hex. DSC0001090.JPG                                           And a photo of the game room. DSC0001091.JPG Back in our M.H., we had dinner: leftover sausage with pepper & onions + a salad.

Tonight's movie: "The Search." We watched ½.

Lights out: 11:35pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 5, 2011 6:46 PM.

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