Saturday 3 September 2011

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Awake: 4:40am     Temp 67     sleep 5+55    mostly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Tomorrow is Nicktown's Annual Homecoming Picnic & today my job starts @ 8:30am.

For the past (4) yrs, I've been working with a crew who puts up the tarp between the pavilion & the church hall. That's never just all we would do; we help everyone who needs help. Well today, my to speak, asked me to do something different. In lieu of climbing up & down the ladder & untying knots, etc, Jim asked for help in his hamburger stand: wash & clean the table covering all around the stand; bring in several types of soda & water to fill the refrigerator; set up tables & chairs in between the pavilion & the church hall; move benches outside so people can sit down in lieu of standing in line so long.....etc, etc.

Mostly I worked with Ted, a cousin & a fine individual I might add. Around noon time, Jim made some very good hamburgers with peppers & onions & we got to eat 1st. That was my work for the day.

Kathy started her job @ 9:30am & was working inside the church hall as a "dipper." After dipping the partially cooked chicken in melted butter & oil, she & her partner seasoned the chicken breasts, legs, & thighs with salt, pepper & paprika before their final cooking. Actually all that chicken was for the shut-ins. Then they seasoned raw chicken to be put in the cooler so that tomorrow's first chicken cookers for the picnic would have some chicken ready to cook.

We attended the 6:00pm vigil Mass & then joined Barry, Theresa, Ernie &, later, Bonnie & Todd at the Nicktown Bar. We not only enjoyed ourselves with laughter & stories but also liked the pizza & beer.

Tonight's movie: "7 Days in May." We watched ½.

Lights out: 11:30pm.

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