Monday September 2011

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Awake: 6:20am      Temp 63      sleep 6+23      sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

At the KK meeting I took a show & tell item & introduced it to the massive crowd. It was my Marksmen sling shot that I've had since the 60's. Most of the guys haven't seen one of these for a long time.

The Bassett masons continue the bricking on our front entry. Apparently they were getting low on sand so in comes the Long Barn truck. DSC0001182.JPG              Sky, the mason's helper, knew exactly where he wanted that load of sand. DSC0001183.JPG I spent a lot of time in my workshop today opening boxes & starting to assign certain tools to certain drawers. I finally uncovered the far end of my workshop where I was able to get my homemade trash can carrier out & running. We used this cart weekly in Alaska to run our trash out to the road for pickup. DSC0001184.JPG While I was downstairs, Kathy was opening boxes, organizing & doing laundry upstairs.

Dinner: Talapia fish, Quinoa & whole grain brown rice, spinach salad, & Como bread with olive oil & Balsamic vinegar dip.

Lights out: 11:40pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 28, 2011 11:04 PM.

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