Monday 12 September 2011

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Awake: 6:02am       Temp 56      sleep 6+01       sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

This morning @ 7:00am, both the Masons & the Zernick workers were here. Bassett had (4) Masons bricking & only (1) mason helper. Sky was a busy guy throughout the day.

What Bob & Nathan did today was to follow our wishes; they moved the pool slate from the game room into the mud room, DSC0001125.JPG then they relocated the helicopter game to the other side of our game room to where the pool slate was setting. DSC0001126.JPG                       Up stairs, they lifted the China cabinet onto the China base; DSC0001127.JPG & moved the switchboard closer to the wall. Then in the basement, they took the 3rd pool slate from my workshop & brought it over to the mud room. DSC0001128.JPG That will give me more space to rebuild my workbench. After the workers checked out for the day, K & I continued opening boxes; she on the main floor & I in my workshop.

Later, after carrying our aluminum ladder upstairs, I took some time to place a few mementos in the high cabinets. DSC0001129.JPG Dinner: Chicken stroganoff.

Lights out: 11:43pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 14, 2011 9:40 PM.

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