Wednesday 3 August 2011

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Awake: 6:15am       Temp 67       sleep 7+15      gentle rain       overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I motored to Carrolltown & Brian's office to give a blood sample in prep for tomorrow's appointment. En route to Nicktown, we stopped @ the thrift store in Spangler & Western Auto in Barnesboro. By the time we returned, we had (5) trucks on our driveway: (2) from REA; the other REA truck had just pulled out. DSC0001016.JPG            They are installing a new hydronic pump on the Geo-system; it's the red pump. DSC0001017.JPG                           A mason & mason helper was from the Basset truck. DSC0001018.JPG                                     Security team Ted & Randy... DSC0001019.JPG              & builders Bob & Nathan.

                                Here is the control panel for the security system. DSC0001020.JPG              24 hr surveillance via cameras & computer systems; outside & inside. DSC0001021.JPG Dinner: leftover filled peppers, cherries, & Como bread.

About 11:00pm....heavy rain. We Skyped Nick & wished him a very: "Happy 33rd Birthday." On my 33rd birthday, I had just joined Federal Express in Little Rock, AR. At that time, we had no kids,& no house; Nick @ 33 has 2 kids, a house & works for a great company. Wow! What a difference. 
Lights out: 11:54pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 23, 2011 9:41 PM.

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