Thursday 11 August 2011

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Awake: 6:20am      Temp 56      sleep 6+16      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

We started @ 9:00am & opened (2) crate doors; it took (1 hr-20 min), still too long a time for just (2) crate doors.

                            Kathy opened (1) herself with a teeny bit of help. DSC0001042.JPG                 This is the latest inside storage look after last evening's maneuvering. DSC0001043.JPG We made (1) trip to the house with the Suzuki & Chuck's truck, unloaded each vehicle & then breakfast @ 1:30pm. Sky, one of the masonry helpers, on lunch break, fed our boxes to us from Chuck's truck to the house entry. That was very nice of him; he is slim but has muscle power. 

              Some of the used crates will be left outside the storage garage for now. DSC0001044.JPG From here, we motored in the Suzuki to the Foote Castle to help celebrate Gregory's 2nd birthday.

                                 In the Foote's back yard; here comes the cake. DSC0001045.JPG                       Gregory knows how to blow out the candles, all (2) of them. DSC0001046.JPG       Kathy embroidered this fire truck outline for Gregory's shirt along with a few other gifts. DSC0001047.JPG Gregory does not talk yet but he sure understands about 90% + of what's going on & what we say to him.

During Melissa & Matthew's time attending Thursday's Mass @ St. Thomas More, Kathy & I got about (7) more of our boxes from their basement, where they've been stored for yrs & finally will be brought to our home.

En route to Nicktown, we grocery shopped @ Wall-Mart.

My 1st cousin Joan left a message that her brother Ralph has a book published & wanted to know if I would like one. I called & left a message, "yes, I do want one & I want it signed by the author."

Dinner: clam chowder with oyster crackers, cherries, & bread.

Lights out: 11:18pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 28, 2011 12:14 PM.

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