Sunday 21 August 2011

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Awake: 6:39am       Temp 66      sleep 6+53      1st rain @ 11:00am.      We started @ 8:15am using our Suzuki; lots of boxes & odds & ends. We made (2) trips with the Suzuki & then used the red truck.

Since Cy is coming in today with his two vehicles, large & small, Kathy thought it best to clear a path for him & his working crew of (7) not counting Trish, who will be helping unload. As you can see, there is little room at this time to bring in a huge load of furniture & other boxes, etc. DSC0001065.JPG Having a respectable aisle for Cy & his crew, we continued loading both vehicles again; then the unloading. DSC0001066.JPG Just as we started the unloading, TRW's were getting closer. Only a few boxes had some rain drops on them as we finished the basement unloading. The entry way for the main floor has a roof over it. DSC0001068.JPG During some of our opening of the boxes, we found a crowbar which we could have used from the very beginning. DSC0001067.JPG When Cy called, they were happy to have a path for the unloading & during arrival, even more delighted to have (2) empty crates...but they needed more.

I hinted that if they could move the heavy things out of our almost empty crates, like parts of my metal lathe, and my industrial rubber, master bed mattress, red hose, & China cabinet, they could have (3) more crates. 1st, a break for those workers; Cy & I went to the Nicktown Bar & he purchased (3-4 )six packs of beer.

By golly it worked: those tough guys, mostly nephews, cousins & friends of Cy, got right with it & Cy got his (3) more crates loaded & we have more heavy items to get the forklift after.

Dinner: BLT's with local grown tomatoes; excellent!

We Skyped Nick for (1) hr (21) min.

Lights out: 12:26am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 31, 2011 10:19 PM.

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