Monday 1 August 2011

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Awake: 6:02am      Temp 67      sleep 6+10      sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, we visited the brick masons & their helpers. A lot of brick is tossed out due to not being suitable; this split-face brick is double wide & smooth on the inside, but when broken in half, a lot just do not cut the mustard. DSC0001010.JPG After breakfast, John B & I walked over to neighbor Al's house & attempted to hook his trailer lights up to his truck. John & I fiddled around trying to get those lights working for over an hr with no success. Finally, we gave up for the day & will try sometime later.  

Meanwhile, Kathy was painting (2) toiletry cabinets & light boxes, giving them approximately (2) coats each.

Later, we cut each other's hair down in the basement garage. After looking in the mirror & all around, she told me: looks good....& I let her know that my haircut was good also.

Dinner: Tilapia fish, cherries, Waldorf salad, rice with golden raisins.

Zack called while driving home from work; I don't remember what subjects we covered but it was good conversation.

Lights out: 11:50pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 23, 2011 7:50 AM.

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