Wednesday 8 June 2011

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Awake: 6:07      Temp 62       sleep 6+38      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

@ the KK meeting this morning, I returned the small solar powered lantern to Donna; I think she was happy to have it working again. Here is the lantern light when glowing in the dark on battery power: DSC000832.JPG                    And here is the solar powered lantern by daylight charging up. DSC000833.JPG After our KK meeting, we visited the construction team & realized that tiling is a slow process but it sure looks good when it's done. I took photos of the tile setting process: my downstairs bathroom, shower & seat; DSC000834.JPG                                            the guest bathtub... main floor; DSC000835.JPG                                           Switches & dimmer switches; DSC000836.JPG                                                 inside door handles; DSC000837.JPG                             floor tile on past our master bedroom closets; DSC000838.JPG                 And here is Levy, Chuck's worker, using a wet saw for cutting tile. DSC000839.JPG We said our goodbyes for now to the construction team & got busy organizing our motorhome & packing our suitcases, etc. And I don't remember what we had for dinner this night, but I do know what we will have for breakfast in the morning: they are called: Kathy Muffins & they are not only good but also healthy. Kathy made them this evening.

Lights out: 10:29pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 20, 2011 9:23 PM.

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