Sunday 5 June 2011

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Awake: 6:56am       Temp 65      sleep 6+44      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our breakfast, Kathy spent quite a lot of time getting her suit jacket to fit right to her satisfaction; a very tedious operation which must be as near perfect as possible. DSC000826.JPG Mid morning, a knock on our door revealed Randy from California. He & his wife Mary Ann were passing through Nicktown on their way to Delaware to be with their grandson for his college graduation. Mac, here in town & Mary Ann are brother & sister, thus the reason for their diversion to Nicktown. They will spend Sunday & Monday with Mac. During their short time here, they would like a tour of our house tomorrow. I recommended a 3:30pm tour because the workers would be gone for the day @ that time.

About 2:30pm, Kathy's angel called & wanted to see how our house was progressing. Kathy invited Carol over for the update opportunity. My job was to turn the required lights on when necessary. Again Kathy was lucky as Chuck wanted Kathy to pick out the grout colors in many areas & have them ready for him on Monday. Carol loves to pick out colors so they spent about (2) hrs all together getting those colors matched.

Dinner: Italian sausage with white beans.

We finished watching the movie: "His Kind of Woman" with Robert Mitchum, Jane Russell, Vincent Price, Tim Holt, Raymond Burr, Charles McGraw, etc. Mitchum blindly goes to Mexico for a payoff of 50 grand, discovers he's the soon-to-be-dead chump whose identity will help deported gangster Burr re-enter the country. 1951. A little unreasonable at times & farfetched but we watched it all.

Lights out: 11:55pm.

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